Who is the target audience?
- This advertisement is targeted towards both genders, young adults, and people who appreciates travelling in general and wishes to travel the world
How is this audience usually targeted?
-This advert conforms to audiences who loves or appreciate travelling by showing sceneries and locations all around the world to spark the audience and inspire them to travel
Did this advert conform or subvert the normal way?
-it conforms to the audience in a creative way, as they put in so much effort in the advert
What images/location were used to appeal to the audience?
-Famous Landmarks, Historical Landmarks etc
What sounds/music were used to appeal to the target audience
- Inspiring music that resonates in the targeted audience's ears
What peopple were shown in the ad?
- A person who looks like a traveler travelling around the world and visiting landmarks and countries.
It appeals to the targeted audience because they feel like they need to be like the person in the video.
What is the message of this advert?
- To promote travelling and show audiences who are interested or take part in travelling the beauty of travelling.
Who is the target audience?
- This advertisement is targeted towards families who are interested in travelling to Colorado and people who loves western sceneries.
How is this audience usually targeted
-It conforms to the targeted audience by showing shots of sceneries and nature
Did this advert conform or subvert the normal way?
-It conforms the normal way
What images/location were used to appeal to the audience?
-Canyons, Rivers, Mountains
What sounds/music were used to appeal to the target audience
- Instruments
What peopple were shown in the ad?
- Family and backpackers
What is the message ofr this advert?
-To advertise Colorado and persuade targeted audiences to visit.
Who is the target audience
-The target audience is young and old people who enjoy travelling and exploring the world. Their ages are usually around 20 to 50 years old.
How is this audience usually targeted?
-They usually display sceneries, beautiful landmarks, and their culture from every part of the country.
Did this ad conform or subvert the normal way?
-It conforms the normal way
What images/locations were used to appeal to the audiences
- Lakes, Landmarks
what sound music did they use?
- Orchestral music, Symphonic
What peopple were shown in the ad?
- Young Adults from around the world
What is the message ofr this advert?
- To Promote travelling
Who is the target audience?
- This ad is targeted towards young adult up to old people age 20 to 80, it is targeting people who are interested in going to Singapore or people who loves travelling in general for entertainment purposes. the reason for that is because this ad shows various activities for people those age.
How is this audience usually targeted
- They display numerous activities and places in the country which the targeted audiences could visit.
Did this ad conform or subvert the normal way?
- This ad conforms in a distinctive and unique way with creative camera works and angles as well as exclusive and professional editing.
What images/locations were used to appeal to the audiences
- Most of the scenes are shot in the city most crowded locations such as the airports or chinatown. They also showed us amusement parks and beach.
what sound music did they use?
-Outgoing pop music with numerous beats.
What is the message ofr this advert?
-Introduce the country of Singapore and what is in it, attracts and persuade the public to visit Singapore
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