Wednesday, November 13, 2024


 This is the storyboard for my project, Alex will be doing the storyboard

Here is out rough sketch of the storyboard which was done together as a group. This would later on be developed into a more detailed storyboard by Alex. We originally intended to use a fake cigarette, but the school would most likely not approve of that, and so we replaced the cigarette with a sandwich, this ensures that everyone, including Mr Nick, would not get in trouble. But to be fair, cigarettes are way cooler. The rough sketch is important to give us a rough image of what we're trying to go for.

Detailed Sketch:
Since no one in my group could draw, this is the best we can come up with. 

We plan to add more shots when filming since we don't have enough space to draw

Alex did a pretty good job, unfortunately some scenes were not allowed, so we had to replace them with a more appropriate scene. Overall, I am confident that I can bring this storyboard to live, perhaps make it even better.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


 Here is my group's screenplay

This was my first time creating a screenplay,  Sagara assisted me a little which I am thankful for. This was really enjoyable even with my very limited imagination, I still managed to finish it before due date. It has many flaws which I am aware of, however, I tried to make it as clean looking as possible and follow the screenplay format as close as possible. Prior to making the screenplay, I learned about the rules and format of a screenplay, and examples of a good screenplay from Youtube. I also used chatGPT to help check my screenplay just to make sure everything is where it's supposed to be. Unfortunately we were not allowed to use swear words, which limits the potential of what this screenplay is truly capable of. Ben is supposed to be Victor, we made a small mistake.

Location Scout and Risk Assessment

  This is my groups location scout and risk assessment

Images : Taman Bali Festival - Padanggalak

Cosmic Diner Bali - Sunset Road


Address: = Cosmic Diner Bali - Parking lot


Panji comes in with a motorcycle and parks and he leans to the handlebars and reminisces about past traumas and actions he committed during his time spent being in a teenage gang.

Advantages of location:

Very often empty and thus will be easier to shoot due to less distractions, as well as less likely to break ethical considerations when it comes to being shown on camera. The vibe and aesthetic of the location is also really nice and fits the theme and time of our movie well.

Disadvantages of Location:

Close to a big road so the sounds of vehicles could become a disturbance and make it harder to edit the video afterwards. We might get kicked out of the location due to not being allowed to record on private property.


Johnny Rockets?

Risk Assessment


Who is at risk:

How to avoid risk:

High, Medium, Low risk:

  1. Getting runover by a car

Actors and cameraman

Avoid areas with large amounts of cars and vehicle activity


  1. Panji falling off bike


Ensure that the kickstand is down. Park bike in safe and stable location and manner


  1. Getting kicked out of area

Everyone in the group

Ask for permission from restaurant employees. Shoot scene quickly




Jl. Padang Galak No.3, Kesiman, Kec. Denpasar Tim., Kota Denpasar, Bali 


Remainder of the opening, gang beating up a random person (enemy/rival gang?, robbing a person?), this is the scene where the regret sets in on the main character, and the final straw was when he was forced to kill someone?.

Advantages of location:

The location is pretty much always empty with no visitors, this means that we’ll get the area all to ourselves and won’t be disturbed by people being around the area and them speaking, it’ll also be easier to act as we won’t be as embarrassed. The overall conditions of the location and how it is poorly maintained fits in with the mise-en-scene that we are going for, and could fit for the aesthetic we’re going for.

Disadvantages of Location:

The location has a lot of windows? So outdoor natural lighting will be shown, this could make it weird especially if we need to take multiple tries and scenes with the lighting and time of day being different in each of the scenes. 


No Foreseeable Alternatives.

Risk Assessment


Who is at risk:

How to avoid risk:

High, Medium, Low risk:

  1. Possessions

Everyone in the group

Pray before entering the area. Do not be disrespectful within the area. Ask for permission and greet the area.


  1. Attacked by wild animals

Everyone in the group

Avoid areas with high amounts of animal activity. Do not agitate any wild animals we come across. Bring weapons for self defence against animals (last resort)


  1. Injuries caused by bad infrastructure

Everyone in the group

Mind our steps and actions when shooting in the area. Observe and look for possible alternative areas within the location.


This was done by Sagara and Panji

Shoutout to Sagara and Panji for doing the Location scout and risk assessment. My only contribution was that I recommended both places to them. We didn't really stress too much about finding the locations since we already have the locations in our mind even before this project.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Screen Test

Here is the screentest for movie opening project done in class


We were instructed to read a few lines off a paper in front of the classroom, which I think could be useful to assess our acting skills, however no one took it seriously, and most - including me - were shy, and so everyone did a pretty bad job.

Filming Schedule

 Here is my group filming schedule made by sagara Reflection: I hope that this filming schedule would assist in our filming so that we know ...